November 21, 2012

eBay Inc.’s State Government Relations team recently sponsored the Arizona Retailers Association Annual Conference (ARA) at the Mission Palms Hotel in Tempe, AZ. The ARA is Arizona’s preeminent advocacy and membership group for the Arizona retail community.

November 20, 2012

Colombia is the United States' 4th export market in Latin America behind Mexico, Brazil and Chile.  The United States is also Colombia's largest trading partner, representing about 42% of Colombia's exports, according the Embassy of the United States in Bogota, Colombia.

November 20, 2012

Last week eBay Inc.’s state government relations team hosted a tour of our PayPal San Jose campus with California Assemblymember Roger Dickinson, the Chairman of the Assembly Banking and Finance Committee, and several of his personal and Committee staff members.  The tour provided us with an opportunity to exhibit many of the current and future products or

November 15, 2012

As many of you know, there are two bills pending in Congress that, if passed, would change the current Internet sales tax law to require all Internet retailers above the woefully-inadequate exemption level to collect sales tax on every purchase and remit it correctly across 9,600 state and local tax jurisdictions nationwide.  eBay, along with other organizations like WE R HERE, strongly oppose this legislation because of the impact it would have on small business job creators.  eBay believes in enacting policies that encourage small business competitiveness, not policies

November 6, 2012

Last week the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of Kirtsaeng v. Wiley, and (despite Hurricane Sandy’s onslaught) eBay Government Relations was there to cover it.  The Kirtsaeng case involves an eBay seller who was sued by a textbook publisher for reselling legitimate authentic books. The seller, a graduate student and entrepreneur, sold the books to help cover tuition expenses. These were legitimate books that the book publisher manufactured overseas — they were not counterfeit, pirated, or stolen. Yet, the publisher is trying to use U.S.

November 5, 2012

Recently eBay Inc.'s Government Relations Emerging Markets team and PayPal's Latin America (LATAM) team hosted a Brazilian delegation of over 30 software, hardware and IT small business owners and members of the Small Business Support Service of Paraná State (SEBRAE). During the eBay Inc.

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