March 27, 2013

On Tuesday MarketWatch senior consumer reporter Kelli Grant appeared on CBS “This Morning” to discuss Internet sales tax and why companies like eBay are fighting against it. “eBay is against it because this is a big thing for small businesses – this is going to be very complex for them to learn all these state tax intricacies.” eBay wants all sellers to be able to continue running their businesses without wasting time and money calculating thousands of different tax codes.

March 23, 2013

This evening, Brian Bieron, Senior Director of Global Public Policy at eBay Inc., made the following statement in response to the inclusion of a non-binding state sales and use tax amendment to the budget resolution this evening:

March 22, 2013

Yesterday, a group of bipartisan Senators from states all across the country went down to the Senator floor to speak against the Internet sales tax amendment that was offered to the Senate Budget Resolution.  Like eBay, these Senators believe that it is unfair to allow small business owners using the Internet to become tax collectors for every state across America.  Small Internet enabled businesses should be encouraged to grow their business, create jobs, and contribute to their local economy,  not worry about tax enforcement agents a thousand miles away threatening them wit

March 21, 2013

Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) penned an op-ed this morning calling on Washington to protect small Internet enabled businesses from a new burdensome Internet sales tax regime.  Today, in the U.S. Senate, Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Mike Enzi (R-WY) are introducing an amendment to the Senate budget resolution that would be the first step towards creating a national sales tax mandate that would allow state tax enfocement agents from one state to impose tax burdens on businesses located in other states.

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