Main Street 2012 Year In Review

January 14, 2013

As we kick off 2013, we would like to thank our Main Street members for getting involved with public policy that impacts your ability to buy and sell online in 2012.  Over 22,500 people joined Main Street last year, with thousands more joining us for spirited discussion on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.  Below are a few highlights and we thank you for participating!

Internet Sales Tax Debate Rages On

Internet sales tax dominated the U.S. news and we expect it will continue this year as special interest groups backed by mega-billion dollar retailers continue to pressure Congress to impose unfair tax collection burdens on small businesses and increase costs for consumers who shop online.

Thousands of Main Street members called, wrote or visited their representatives to ensure the voices of small online retailers were heard.  They know better than anyone why asking small businesses to be tax collectors across 45 states and 9,600 jurisdictions is bad for job growth, bad for the economy, and bad for consumers.  With 60% of brick and mortar stores already having an online presence, we know this isn't about online vs. offline, but rather big vs. small and this is just an attempt of big retailers trying to use Congress and the legislative process to squash their smaller competitors.

Please continue to stay vocal on this issue in 2013.  Policymakers need to hear from you, their constituents.

Tickets Take Center Stage in Three States

While Internet sales tax got most of the headlines – and rightfully so – Main Street members in Minnesota, Tennessee and New Jersey helped protect their right to resell or give away tickets they own to family and friends.  Our members sent over 2,000 letters to their state legislators asking them to support or oppose various House, Senate and Assembly bills and protect fans' rights.

Protecting Your Right to Sell What You Own

In April, we saw the Supreme Court agree to hear Kirtsaeng vs. Wiley, a landmark case that may affect your right to sell what you own, regardless of where it was manufactured.  eBay Inc. helped support Citizens for Ownership Rights, a coalition that was formed to back Kirtsaeng and other entrepreneurs like him.  Main Street members contributed 46,000 signatures to their petition.

New Features on Main Street

 We were also excited to launch a new Main Street website in 2012 with a few cool features:

  • Action Center where you can participate in petition and letter campaigns
  • 'Select Your Region' – look for this drop-down menu to filter news and issues in the U.S., Europe, Asia Pacific region and Australia
  • Featured members page where you can read about other successful online retailers in the Main Street community

Let us know what you think!

Thanks again to all of our members for participating in the Main Street community.  We look forward to an equally-exciting 2013.