eBay has been an absolute blessing! We wouldn’t be where we are today without eBay. It allowed our business to reach a worldwide audience, something we would never have been able to achieve on our own.

Angie Nelson
eWaste Direct, Inc. operates out of a retail store and a 5,000 sq. ft. warehouse.
eWaste Direct, Inc. exports 22% of its products.
eBay, Ewastedirect.com
eWaste Direct, Inc.
Husband and wife team, Angie and Joe Nelson, founded eWaste Direct, Inc. on Earth Day in 2008. This green business was created to divert electronic waste from landflls, ofering multiple services to businesses throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. Initially, the Nelsons focused on collecting broken and retired electronics from businesses and selling the materials to various scrap recyclers. However, they soon realized that instead of selling the electronics to vendors to be destroyed for commodities, they could list marketable items for resale on eBay. The business took of and over the years has managed to consistently evolve and increase proft. While many of the business’s original competitors have struggled with falling commodity prices, eWaste Direct, Inc. remains committed to providing environmentally friendly solutions for the proper reuse and recycling of corporate IT and consumer electronics. To date, eWaste Direct, Inc. is proud to have diverted well over 5 million pounds of e-waste from landflls and is on target to exceed its next milestone of 10 million pounds.