Tell Congress to Include 1099-K in the Tax Bill!
While the IRS has temporarily delayed implementation of the new $600 threshold for receiving 1099-K tax forms, Americans who sell online need a permanent solution.
1099-K form

It’s a new year. While the end of 2023 saw the IRS temporarily delay implementation of the harmful new $600 threshold for receiving 1099-K tax forms, Americans who sell online need a permanent solution.

Unless a permanent solution is achieved by Congress, that harmful tax reporting policy could go into effect. We need your help telling lawmakers to include an increase in the 1099-K reporting threshold in any tax package that comes together this year.

These additional income tax forms (1099-K) will be issued for the sale of virtually all goods, including used or pre-owned goods, even if no income tax is actually owed. This means that people selling only a few used items from their garage will receive confusing tax forms intended for businesses.

Just fill out the form below to make your voice heard.