Welcome to eBay’s PAC

Welcome to eBay's PAC

Welcome to the employee website for eBay's Political Action Committee: The Committee for Responsible Internet Commerce. Due to Federal Election Commission guidelines, only employees level 25 or above that are U.S. Citizens or Permanent Residents (Green Card Holders) are permitted to access this website.

Please click here if you are looking for eBay's list of political contributions

Our PAC allows us to support candidates who understand issues related to Internet-enabled commerce.

What is a PAC? Federal election law prohibits corporations from using treasury funds to make contributions in connection with federal elections. However, corporations are allowed to set up Political Action Committees, which pool voluntary financial contributions from employees, to make contributions to federal candidates.

Need Help?

If you cannot access the website but believe you are eligible to participate in the PAC, please contact Ashley Shillingsburg at [email protected].