'Internet Industry Group, "Flexible and Balanced Copyright Regulations Please!"'

December 28, 2011


John Ure, Executive Director of the Asia Internet Coalition (AIC), released an op-ed in the South China Morning Post prior to a high profile roundtable discussion to compare positions on reform of copyright law in Hong Kong a digital age.

Entitled "Not connecting", John wrote, "Users want choice, artists want success and, according to a recent study, investors will support digital companies only if the regulatory framework protects them...investors and venture capitalists...said they will not put their money in digital content intermediaries if governments pass tough new rules allowing websites to be sued or fined for illegal digital content posted by users..."

"Flexible regulation allows innovative business models to develop...We see a lot of focus on combating copyright infringement. But do we see enough focus on the experimentation with new business models and the copyright tools that will make those new business models possible?"

Click here for the full article.
