Technology Trade Associations Support Internet Retailer Resolution

November 7, 2011

Technology trade associations, Tech America and TechNet, issued separate statements last week to announce support for S.Res. 309, which declares Internet entrepreneurs and small businesses should be protected from new sales tax burdens.

TechAmerica Senior Vice President for Federal Government Affairs Kevin Richards said, “The United States has the most robust e-commerce industry in the world and these Senators are leading the way in simplifying the environment our online businesses operate in and standing up to those that want to complicate it.” Click to read TechAmerica’s full statement.

TechNet President and CEO Rey Ramsey stated, “TechNet applauds the bipartisan action of Senators Wyden and Ayotte and their efforts to ensure that small online businesses are not saddled with an expensive and onerous new tax system. Congress should not set up roadblocks for one of the economy’s enduring bright spots.”