Homeowners Association Defends Online Retailers Against New Taxes

August 5, 2011

Bruce Hahn, President of the American Homeowners Grassroots Alliance (AHGA), made the following comments regarding Internet sales tax legislation introduced last week in the House of Representatives (H.R. 2701) and the Senate (S. 1452):

“The Main Street Fairness Act takes us in the wrong direction. The AHGA believes that Congress should ban the collection of state and local Internet sales taxes rather than expand the collection of sales taxes on Internet purchases.”

AHGA proudly represents over 70 million American homeowners in the halls of Congress. The Association works to promote the ability of homeowners to weather the economic downturn, including policies that preserve ecommerce as a competitive retail choice for consumers.  To learn more about the AHGA’s position on online sales tax, visit its website.