eBay applauds Congressman Joe Heck for his Opposition to Internet Sales Tax Legislation

May 16, 2012

On May 14th, Congressman Joe Heck (R-NV) announced that he is opposed to any federal legislation that would change current sales tax law and require online retailers to collect and remit sales taxes in over 9500 jurisdictions nationwide. Congressman Heck joins fellow Nevadan, Senator Dean Heller (R-NV), in his opposition to the internet sales tax bills currently pending in Congress. eBay applauds Congressman Heck for his leadership on this issue and for his willingness to speak on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of small online retailers all across the country that would be burdened by this new onerous sales tax regime.

For more information on Congressman Heck and his legislative priorities, please visit his website at heck.house.gov .