Read the eBay DSA Series #2 - Towards an efficient notice & action system

June 9, 2021

Today, we release the 2nd issue in our series of short papers on the draft Digital Services Act, the “eBay DSA Series”. This week we will focus on the implications behind building a notice & action system, which would allow online platforms to efficiently tackle illegal content based on input from consumers or intellectual property rights owners, among others.

In our inaugural post, we explained the logic behind our series: address the vast amount of topics found in the DSA, while retaining an accessible reading format. Each of our papers includes practical insights from our experience as a leading and pioneering pure third-party online marketplace, as well as recommendations for necessary improvements.

We invite readers to download the new issue "Towards an efficient notice & action system" and send us any feedback through our "Contact Us" form found in our top menu. We also look forward to releasing our third issue in the coming days, as the European Parliament and Council are now progressing fast in their analysis and suggested amendments to the Commission's original proposal.