On Air: eBay Government Relations VP Talks Shop on eBay Radio

September 21, 2011

Griff Griffith, known as a celebrity among the eBay community, sat down this week to interview Tod Cohen, the company’s Deputy General Counsel and VP of Government Relations. Griff and Tod covered topics ranging from the recent California Internet Sales Tax victory and how it protects sellers from having to collect out-of-state taxes, to the status of the federal streamlined sales tax battle and how we continue to work with sellers to make sure their voices are heard. Additionally, Griff inquired about the explosive growth of PayPal Mobile and how it could impact public policy. Tod emphasized the importance of having all platforms available to sellers to protect them from being forced into a business model not of their own choosing. The session wrapped with a fascinating discussion about eBay Asset Protection’s groundbreaking collaboration with retail loss prevention professionals in an effort to find common ground and combat crime. You can join the eBay Radio group to listen to live broadcasts in the future or to access archived shows (including Tod’s appearance) on demand.