Wisconsin Small Business Owner Expresses Concern with Internet Sales Tax Proposal

July 28, 2014

Last week, Wisconsin small business owner, Dave Rogers, published an opinion piece to the WisOpinion.com expressing his concern with the Internet sales tax proposal currently pending in Congress.  Rogers, who owns a brick and mortar store in LaCrosse argued that Main Street businesses, just like his, would be hurt by the passage of the so-called Marketplace Fairness Act.

“I have always collected sales tax from my customers in Wisconsin, which is warranted because that's where my store is located. By law, I am required to collect the same tax as any "Mom and Pop" storefront. Yet the proposed bill would require me to collect and remit sales tax on behalf of every state where I make a sale - an expectation that would impose huge tasks on my business.”

Rogers also explained that if this bill were to pass, small businesses would be most affected by this legislation and larger businesses, that are already dominating the retail market, would reap the benefits.

“Dave's Guitar Shop maintains a staff of just 14 full-time employees. Unlike large-scale retailers, small businesses simply do not have the staff, capacity or technology in place to abide by this bill and still have the time to effectively compete in today's marketplace,” said Rogers. “ If a new law is imposed, large companies have the proper infrastructure - including robust IT and accounting departments - to address the issue. Most small businesses do not have such luxuries.”

Rogers encouraged his elected officials to protect small businesses like his from the crushing burdens imposed by the Marketplace Fairness Act. “I am proud that I have been able to use the Internet to create jobs, contribute to Wisconsin's economy and provide guitar enthusiasts everywhere with a greater selection of goods. Small businesses are the backbone to our country's economy and we should support them by including a higher exemption in any Internet sales tax bill,” expressed Rogers. “That's why I urge our lawmakers, including Senators Johnson and Baldwin, to take the time to visit a small online retailer and observe how businesses like mine operate. They will quickly realize that this bill is not the right way to bring revenue to Wisconsin.”

Read Roger’s article in the WisOpinon.com.  For more information on eBay Inc.’s position on protecting small businesses from new sales tax burdens, please visit our issues page.