UK Leads The Way In Global Cross-Border Trade

June 18, 2014

Today, eBay Inc. released new research that shows the United Kingdom is a leader when it comes to cross-border trade.   According to the eBay Inc. data, UK businesses are currently reaching an average of 39 countries, which is more markets than any other country. In addition, UK sellers reached customers in over 200 different countries and territories in 2013.

Murray Lambell, Director of Cross-Border Trade, eBay in the UK, said: “These latest figures are further evidence that we’re seeing the death of distance when it comes to cross-border retail, as more people shop across a variety of different channels. As a result, we’re seeing a growing trend of ‘micro-multinational’ businesses emerging, capable of selling to a global audience, without the infrastructure of a traditional exporter. As more businesses look to expand their sales overseas, we’re continually looking for new ways to help more businesses take advantage of this trend by investing in new initiatives like translation and global shipping, which help break down barriers to global trade.”

Learn more about the latest cross-border research from eBay Inc.