Pittsfield stamp dealer a worldwide eBay powerhouse

January 6, 2015

The Concord Monitor (NH) recently published an article highlighting the success of Joe Cortese, owner of NobleSpirit based in Pittsfield, New Hampshire. Cortese uses eBay to sell stamps to collectors all over the world. In fact, he has made nearly 150,000 sales since 1998 and he conducts all of his business on eBay Marketplaces.

“He said the eBay market has so many collectors willing to buy that, if you have the goods, you can sell $1 million a month or more. He said more than just a hobby, stamp collecting is a form of investment. A friend of his bought a block of four Inverted Jenny stamps – a famous misprint – for $1 million seven years ago and recently sold them to an investment group for $5 million.”

After starting in his barn almost 20 years ago, Cortese now runs his business from downtown Pittsfield and has over 20 employees. He said for an international business, “Pittsfield has everything you could want: small town, rural quality of life with easy access to Manchester and Boston, accommodating infrastructure, close access to recreation opportunities on the ocean and in the mountains, and an educated pool of employees.”

Learn more about NobleSpirit and one entrepreneur’s fascinating journey by reading the article.