eBay Main Street Member Chris Ko Participates in eCommerce Webinar

July 31, 2015

As part of eBay’s strategic partnership with the US Department of Commerce (DOC) aimed at promoting US small business trade, eBay recently co-hosted a webinar with the US Commercial Service entitled “3 Surprising Truths About International E-Commerce.” eBay seller and Main Street Member Chris Ko, Owner and Managing Partner of Nationwide Surplus, and Aparna Lahiri, Marketing Lead for eBay’s Global Shipping Program, spoke with more than 250 participants about easing the pain points that may discourage businesses from branching out into international markets.  

On the webinar, Aparna defined the three surprising truths about international e-commerce: selling internationally isn’t as complex as you think, mobile technology is here to stay, and that there is a global demand for the variety of inventory sold by American online retailers. Additionally, she outlined useful tools that online retailers can use to simplify the exporting process, namely eBay’s Global Shipping Program (GSP). eBay’s GSP allows small businesses new to exporting to ship their products to a central domestic hub at which eBay handles the required customs paperwork and tracks the shipment to the international buyer. eBay seller and entrepreneur Chris Ko provided some first-hand tips and best practices for helping newer small businesses use the Internet to sell internationally, including researching market opportunity for your inventory and expanding your company’s visibility by utilizing online resources and marketplaces.

eBay’s international marketplace exposes small online retailers across the nation to international consumers around the world. In fact, more than 90% of businesses using eBay export internationally and over 80% of those businesses reach 5 or more markets. Undoubtedly, the Internet has enabled small businesses to access global markets like never before.

If you’d like to learn more about resources available to ecommerce businesses, the US Commercial Service is hosting an event called Discover Global Markets with a focus on ecommerce and digital strategies for exporters in Dallas, TX on October 8 and 9. Learn more at www.export.gov/discoverglobalmarkets.