eBay Inc. Takes Commerce 3.0 Message to Latin America

March 24, 2014

Last week, a member of eBay, Inc.’s Public Policy Lab traveled to Mexico City to present eBay Inc.’s Commerce 3.0 message at the 3rd Conference of the Latin America Network for Research in Services (REDLAS).  In Latin America, the services sector accounts for more than half of the economies and employment in Latin America, and while its share in international trade is growing, policymakers are looking for new opportunities to internationalize these services.

Digital marketplaces, like eBay and PayPal, have revolutionized the way that small and medium businesses all around the world participate in the global market.  The Internet and payment services, like PayPal, have created opportunities for businesses in developing nations to sell their goods and services all over the world, regardless of geographical boundaries, language barriers and currency conversions.  In fact, according to eBay Inc.’s Commerce 3.0 for Development study, over 95% of technology-enabled small businesses from across the developing world exported, which mirror the findings in the work done on technology enabled businesses in the developed world.

To learn more about how the Internet is changing the global landscape for small businesses in the developing world, please read our Commerce 3.0 study.