eBay Inc. to join Choice in eCommerce to Discuss Online Sales Restrictions

March 18, 2014

On 2 April, representatives from eBay Inc. Government Relations will join with representatives from Choice in eCommerce to discuss how small businesses and entrepreneurs have been negatively impacted by sales restrictions placed on Internet commerce with Róża Gräfin vonThun und Hohenstein, Member of Parliament for Poland.  As a member of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection, von Thun is interested in promoting the free movement of goods and protecting economic interests of consumers.

The Internet has proven to be an economic driver for many small businesses all across Europe, providing new and exciting opportunities to reach consumers all around the world.  Internet-enabled commerce has also provided consumers with unparalleled choice and access to goods and services at affordable prices.  However, a growing number of brand owners and manufacturers are restricting Internet trade, for example using contract terms to stop sellers from selling goods on Internet marketplaces.  Concerned about how this platform bias would impact their business, thousands of European small businesses have signed a petition launched by Choice in eCommerce that calls on National and European policy-makers and public authorities to address the restrictions placed on eCommerce, such as sales bans on online marketplaces.

Learn more about the ban on Internet marketplaces and the Choice in eCommerce petition. Visit eBay Main Street to read our position on Consumer Choice.