eBay Inc. Hosts CA Legislative Black Caucus

October 8, 2014

Pictured, from left to right: SVLG CEO Carl Guardino, Senator Holly Mitchell, David, Bakari Brock (Lyft) and Assemblymember Shirley Webber, PhD.

Last week the California Legislative Black Caucus visited the eBay Inc. to hold a conversation with the Silicon Valley leadership Group and other regional stakeholders to discuss legislative priorities and issues impacting California's African-American community. Issues that were discussed included solutions to improve workforce training development, K-12 STEM (Science, Technology, Education, Math) education and higher education opportunities for the underserved.

The meeting presented a unique opportunity to discuss issues of mutual interest with a very important voting bloc in the California Legislature, in particular increased educational opportunity and workforce development. At eBay Inc. we believe in creating inclusive educational and workforce development systems so that we can develop and maintain an employee population that is as diverse as our buyers and sellers. It's our hope to continue to work with members of the Caucus to ensure that those lofty goals are meet through substantive public policy changes.