eBay Inc. Commends FCC Chairman Wheeler on Open Internet Agenda

February 21, 2014

Earlier this week, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler issued a statement in response to the decision handed down last month from the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia that ruled the agency did not have the authority to enforce its net neutrality rules over broadband networks under section 706 of the Telecommunications Act.  Included in Chairman Wheeler’s statement this week was an outline of the Commission’s agenda for preserving and restoring open Internet policies.

eBay Inc. believes in the perseveration of the Open Internet and opposes efforts to replace the current open Internet with "Pay to Play" private networks that would block, slow or otherwise discriminate against content and service providers that do not pay new bandwidth tolls.  Tod Cohen, Vice President of Global Government Relations for eBay Inc. released the following statement in response to Chairman Wheeler’s statement:

“eBay Inc. strongly shares the sentiment of FCC Chairman Wheeler that the Internet is and must remain an engine of free expression, innovation, economic growth, and opportunity. We commend him on a thoughtful action plan and will continue to play an active role in representing the interests of our users in support of the Open Internet.”

Learn more about eBay Inc.’s position on Preserving the Open Internet.